Oxford German Olympiad 2023:
Closing date for all Round 2 entries is Thursday 9 March 2023, at 12 noon.
You can enter only one of the tasks below. Please note the respective age restrictions.
Round 1 and Round 2 are separate competitions. You may enter both, but do not need to have entered Round 1 in order to enter Round 2.
Entries should be submitted via the online form. Please note that we cannot accept postal or email entries. Entries received by post, by email or after the deadline will not be considered.
Winners will be invited to a prize-giving ceremony at the Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, in June 2023.
If you have any questions please contact the Olympiad Coordinator at olympiad@mod-langs.ox.ac.uk.
There's still time to also enter Round 1 of the Oxford German Olympiad 2022!
TASK 1: Oxford German Network Essay or Video Task
Competition open to pupils in years 9 - 12 (age 13-17)
First Prize: £100 Second Prize: £50 Third Prize: £25
Entrants should choose one of the following two topics:
1) Mein Leben während Corona
2) Mein Leben im Jahr 2033
and write an essay (300 – 500 words in total) or create a video (max. 5 min.). For topic (1), you may give a factual account or write a fictional story.
For full details of the competition, download the entry guidelines. Enter using the online form.
Competition open to pupils in years 12 and 13 or equivalent (age 16-18).
Prize: £100 and a copy of Defying Hitler: The White Rose Pamphlets (Bodleian Library Publishing, 2022). The winning entry will also be featured on the White Rose Project website.
The White Rose (‘Die Weiße Rose’) was a group of students and a professor in Munich that wrote and distributed leaflets calling on Germans to resist Hitler. 2023 marks the 80th anniversary of the group's arrest, trial, and execution.
"The White Rose resistance circle wrote a series of leaflets calling on Germans to resist Nazism. Choose one of the White Rose resistance pamphlets and adapt it into another written form in German (max. 400 words). It could be, for example, a poem, a dialogue or short play, a short story, a podcast script, or a speech."
To take a look at the leaflets and for some resources to help with this task, please go to the White Rose Project website.
For full details of the competition, download the entry guidelines. Enter using the online form.
The competition will be judged by members of the White Rose Project. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
White Rose Project:
The White Rose Project is a research and outreach initiative at the University of Oxford telling the story of the White Rose (Weiße Rose) resistance group in the UK. It currently works in collaboration with the Munich-based Weiße Rose Stiftung, whose mission is to uphold the resistance group’s memory and ‘to contribute to civic courage and individual responsibility and to promote democratic consciousness’.
The Oxford German Network is grateful for the support of the following:
Founding Partners:
Jesus College, Oxford
Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
Magdalen College School, Oxford
BMW Group Plant Oxford
Ferreras Willetts Family
Donor of the German Classic Prize: Jonathan Gaisman QC
The Oxford German Network gratefully acknowledges
the generous support of ALL and ISMLA to the Oxford German Olympiad
The Oxford German Network is also grateful for the generous donation of prizes by the following:
Austrian Cultural Forum London
Blackwell UK Ltd.
British-German Association
Camden House (Boydell & Brewer)
Embassy of Switzerland in the United Kingdom
German Embassy London
Goethe Institut, London
Oxford-Bonn Link
Penguin Books
White Rose Project
The Oxford German Network would like to thank the Bodleian Libraries for permission to use the Blackwell Hall in the Weston Library.