Professional Development Clusters for MFL Clusters
Clusters of MFL teachers are now meeting in Reading/North Hampshire, Portsmouth, Brighton, Cheltenham, Oxford, Walsall, Abingdon/South Oxfordshire and Birmingham.
The aim of the clusters is to:
- Create time after school to meet with local MFL colleagues and share in your professional development
- Revisit the PDC in MFL principles and use them as a basis for discussion
- Plan with your local colleagues how to apply one specific principle (or more) in your teaching
- Discuss and evaluate the outcomes together at subsequent meetings
Most meetings are 1.5 hours long, and take place 3-4 times per year, hosted by the teachers or teacher trainers involved in the cluster. The work of the PDC in MFL is used as a basis for discussion but the teachers and teacher trainers have autonomy over the clusters and decide what happens in each meeting.
If you want to get involved in one of these clusters, contact before July 2013 and she will put you in touch with the cluster organiser.