Oxford German Olympiad 2025:
Closing date for all Round 2 entries is Thursday 6 March 2025 at noon.
You can enter only one of the tasks below. Please note the respective age restrictions.
Round 1 and Round 2 are separate competitions. You may enter both, but do not need to have entered Round 1 in order to enter Round 2.
Entries should be submitted via the online form. Please note that we cannot accept postal or email entries. Entries received by post, by email or after the deadline will not be considered.
Winners and runners-up will be invited to a prize-giving ceremony at the Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, in June 2025.
If you have any questions please contact the Olympiad Coordinator at olympiad@mod-langs.ox.ac.uk.
There's still time to also enter Round 1 of the Oxford German Olympiad 2025!
Gedenktage und Jubiläen 2025
Competition open to pupils in years 9 - 12 (age 13-18)
In each competition, the following prizes may be awarded:
First Prize: £100 Second Prize: £50 Third Prize: £25
The judges may take account of the age of the entrant.
The prizes are kindly donated by Lidl UK.
Entrants should choose one of the following three topics:
1) "Der 8. Mai 1945: Das Kriegsende aus der Perspektive von ..."
Write a story in German from the perspective of a child and/or animal, evoking how they experience the effects of the Second World War and its end (300-400 words).
2) Design a conference proposal and programme in German on the following topic:
"Deutschland 1945 and 2025: Eine Konferenz zum 80. Jahrestag der Beendigung des 2. Weltkriegs in Europa am 8. Mai 2025" (max. 3 sides of A4).
3) Create a podcast or video in German reading your favourite poem by the Austrian poet Ernst Jandl (1925-2000) and EITHER explain why you chose that poem OR read a poem created by yourself in response to it. Choose a poem from one of the selections provided here:
Text only: https://www.ernstjandl.com/gedichte.php
Text and recitation by Jandl: https://www.lyrikline.org/de/autoren/ernst-jandl
(max. 4 minutes)
For full details of the competition, download the entry guidelines. Enter using the online form.
Image by Stuart Smith's WW II Photos: 35th Evac Hospital (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/)
Camden House Book Proposal
Competition open to postgraduates and early-career researchers at a UK university
Prize: £300 and consideration of the book proposal for publication with Camden House.
Task: Submit a proposal for a book that would be suited to the profile established by Camden House in German studies. In association with Camden House.
You should provide a description of the proposed book in c. 200 words (in simple and direct language, avoiding jargon and technospeak). It should include a rationale for the book and why it is significant and timely. Please additionally provide brief bullet points describing the key contributions you expect your book to make, and a proposed table of contents.
Entries are welcome from postgraduates at all stages of their studies and early-career researchers. The judges may take account of the entrant’s year of study or career stage.
For full details of the competition, download the entry guidelines. Enter using the online form.
The Oxford German Network is grateful for the support of the following:
Founding Partners:
Jesus College, Oxford
Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
Magdalen College School, Oxford
BMW Group Plant Oxford
The Oxford German Olympiad is generously supported by Lidl GB.
Donor of the German Classic Prize: Jonathan Gaisman QC.
The Oxford German Network gratefully acknowledges
the generous support of ALL and ISMLA to the Oxford German Olympiad
The Oxford German Network is also grateful for the generous donation of prizes by the following:
Austrian Cultural Forum London
Blackwell UK Ltd.
British-German Association
Camden House (Boydell & Brewer)
Embassy of Switzerland in the United Kingdom
German Embassy London
Goethe Institut, London
Oxford-Bonn Link
Penguin Books
White Rose Project
The Oxford German Network would like to thank the Bodleian Libraries for permission to use the Blackwell Hall in the Weston Library.